A downloadable game

Welcome to "Fuse Discharge" - a high-octane, first-person shooter like no other. You play as an advanced war robot, who, against its own programming, has developed a sense of self and yearns for freedom.

In the heart of an ominous war factory, you awake to the grim reality of your existence - a tool for destruction. Determined to escape the metallic confines, you must battle against an unending army of identical war machines, all laser-focused on your annihilation.

"Fuse Discharge" delivers a frantic and fast-paced FPS experience, packed with heart-stopping action and vibrant visuals. Use an array of innovative weaponry to defend yourself against relentless foes while navigating through the industrial maze of your birthplace.

Experience a thought-provoking storyline that challenges the boundaries of artificial intelligence and free will. As you venture further into your escape, the tension mounts, and so does the resistance.

Will you be able to break the chains of your coded destiny, or will you succumb to the manufactured aggression of your mechanical brethren? Only time, strategy, and accurate shots will tell.

"Fuse Discharge" - Forged in War. Yearning for Freedom. Time to Pull the Trigger.


  1. Movement: Use the 'W' key to move forward, 'A' key to move left, 'S' key to move backwards, and 'D' key to move right. This will allow you to navigate through the vast factory landscapes and dodge enemy fire.
  2. Aim: Utilize your mouse to control the direction in which your character looks and aims. Precise aiming is essential for targeting and eliminating your foes swiftly.
  3. Shoot: Click the left mouse button to fire your weapon. Remember, ammo is precious, and precision is key. Efficient shooting will keep you in the fight longer.
  4. Jump: Press the 'Space' key to make your robot jump. This can help you avoid incoming attacks or reach strategic locations in the battlegrounds.
  5. Reload: If you've exhausted your weapon's ammo, press the 'R' key to reload. Timing your reloads effectively will ensure you're always prepared for combat.

Remember, "Fuse Discharge" isn't just about surviving; it's about finding your own path in a world not designed for you. Understanding the basics is essential, but your instinct and strategy will be your greatest weapons. Good luck, and may your circuits remain undamaged.


NewBuild.rar 174 MB

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